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Getting Out of Debt When You Can’t Give Up Your Daily Wawa Habit


That old piece of personal finance advice about how you can get out of debt if you just give up your daily Starbucks run on your way to work has been going around since your parents went on their first date at the Starbucks in Barnes and Noble.  With each passing year, it increasingly rings false.  First of all, who goes to Starbucks on their way to work, especially in Pennsylvania.  Wawa is your jam, and it always has been, ever since you stopped there for a cheesesteak on your way home from the DMV after getting your driver’s license.  You have been consistently employed since that day, and yet you still don’t have a penny.  Certainly, it can’t all be Wawa’s fault.  Cheesesteak has only been prohibitively expensive since the days of the COVID-19 lockdown.  Your generation has seen every measure of financial security eroded.  It is hard to think past your next shift at work, much less your next payday or your next billing cycle.  Are you really to blame if your only motivation to keep working is your next trip to Wawa?  If you feel stuck living paycheck to paycheck and need help thinking about the big picture, contact a Philadelphia debt relief lawyer.

When Impulse Purchases Are a Matter of Despair, Not Lack of Discipline

When young people refuse to give up their $6 per day coffee fix, it isn’t because they don’t know that doing so would save them more than $100 per month or more than $700 per year.  Rather, it is because they know that an extra $700 per year would not make a dent in their debt.  It might make their monthly interest payments on their credit cards a few dollars less each month, and it might increase their savings dividends by a few pennies, but the difference would not be enough to be able to treat a coworker to Wawa every payday.

If you really want to get out of debt, you have to do something big to reduce your expenses or to make your debts disappear.  You can move somewhere much cheaper, like your parents’ house or West Virginia, or you could spend a year teaching English in South Korea, where your housing expenses are paid for, and come back brimming with self-confidence in your professional skills and flush with cash.  Of course, maybe those options won’t work, because you are already living with your parents and helping them with the bills as well as with daily care.  Perhaps your health does not enable you to do a more ambitious job than you are already doing.  In that case, especially if your debt is in the form of medical bills or credit card debt, filing for bankruptcy or taking out a debt consolidation loan is your best option.

Contact Louis S. Schwartz About Debt Relief for Working People Who Live Paycheck to Paycheck

A Philadelphia consumer law attorney can help you if you are still broke, despite working constantly and having no vices except the occasional cheesesteak.  Contact Louis S. Schwartz at CONSUMERLAWPA.com to set up a free, confidential consultation.



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