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Category Archives: Mortgage Foreclosure


How to Save Money on Mortgage Interest Like They Do in the Netherlands

By Consumer Law PA |

Adding the name of a foreign nationality to a product is a time-honored marketing gimmick.  Everyone loves French toast and German chocolate cake, even if the closest equivalent in their namesake countries bears little resemblance to the product we look forward to buying from Denny’s or Giant Eagle.  Even things that are profoundly unpleasant… Read More »

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It’s a PITI Your Home Mortgage Payment Is So Unaffordable

By Consumer Law PA |

Affordable homeownership is becoming an increasingly distant dream.  It has never been harder to qualify for a home mortgage, and if you have one, it has never been harder to keep up with the payments.  Interest rates have remained painfully high for about the past two years.  People with fixed rate mortgages that they… Read More »

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Will This Year’s Tax Credits Bring Home Ownership Within Your Reach?

By Consumer Law PA |

Your financial circumstances have been dismal for as long as you can remember, perhaps for almost as long as you have been in the workforce.  The thought that your slightly older contemporaries who graduated during the recession of 2008 thought that they could hold out for better times by going to graduate school, student… Read More »

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How to Buy and Keep Your Own House in Philadelphia

By Consumer Law PA |

Homeownership is a big financial goal for a lot of people.  Unfortunately, it is very hard to achieve unless you already have some assets other than the percentage of your employment income that you have managed to put into savings.  Qualifying for a mortgage and following through with the purchase is only the first… Read More »

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Is Another Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis On The Horizon For Pennsylvania?

By Consumer Law PA |

Being stressed out about money is the rule rather than the exception for working Americans.  Most households are surviving paycheck to paycheck, even if more than one member of the household works full time; some people with annual income in the six figures still find themselves with bank account balances in the double digits… Read More »

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Why Are Small Dollar Mortgages So Hard To Find?

By Consumer Law PA |

Standup comedians and cynical teens can agree that fewer social events are more tiresome than the ones where middle-aged adults gather on the backyard deck or around the barbecue pit to admire the host’s new house or its newly installed amenities.  The conversation inevitably features one of the most annoying phrases in the English… Read More »

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The Five Types Of Home Mortgage Loans

By Consumer Law PA |

Qualifying for a home mortgage is a lot of people’s biggest financial goal, especially if you are young enough that you do not intend to retire for several decades.  Home mortgage loans are the largest amount of money most of us will ever borrow.  The process of working with a loan officer is often… Read More »

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Beware Of Risky Home Financing Alternatives

By Consumer Law PA |

Numerous celebrities who began life as members of the 99 percent have remarked that, when they were living paycheck to paycheck, it took years of effort and strategizing to qualify for a loan to buy something they wanted or needed, but once they were rich, banks went out of their way to lend them… Read More »

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Two Bad Reasons To Choose An Adjustable-Rate Mortgage And One Good One

By Consumer Law PA |

Adjustable-rate mortgages have a bad reputation these days; many members of the new generation of first-time home buyers first heard of adjustable-rate mortgages in the context of the housing market crash of 2008, a financial crisis which cast a shadow over their youth.  Blaming the entire financial crisis of 2008 on adjustable-rate mortgages is… Read More »

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At What Point in the Foreclosure Process Can the Mortgage Lender Enter Your Home?

By Consumer Law PA |

To you, your house is home, the place where you have cooked holiday meals and where your children have lived since they came home from the hospital as newborns.  To the bank that issued your mortgage loan, though, your house is collateral.  The real asset is the money they get from you when you… Read More »

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