Category Archives: Life Insurance Denial

Does Paying Your Bills on Auto Pay Make Your Financial Situation Better or Worse?
Almost every Pennsylvanian has experienced a multilevel marketing (MLM) sales pitch. An acquaintance that you see regularly or a former classmate or coworker you have not heard from in a long time invites you to a social gathering or one-on-one coffee date. First she tries to convince you to buy overpriced vitamin supplements or… Read More »

Bad Faith In Denying An Insurance Claim
Life insurance policies are contracts between the insurance company and the insured person. Therefore, when the insured person dies, his beneficiaries are often left trying to collect the money promised under the policy from an insurance company that may be looking for technicalities in the contract to deny the claim. In some cases, the… Read More »

Life Insurance Policies And The Contestability Period
A life insurance policy is a contract that a person enters into with the insurance company. Under this contract, the person promises to make premium payments to the insurance company and in exchange the insurance company promises to make a payment to the beneficiaries named in the policy upon the insured’s death. However, even… Read More »